Cydia Apps To Hack WiFi Password
In this article you will learn how to hack wifi password using the most powerful Cydia apps. There are at least 10 wifi hacking apps from the Cydia App Store but here we have sorted the best three for you. These three apps are free to be used and the only requirement is to jailbreak. With these apps installed on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, you will be able to hack Wifi passwords with WEP or WPA encryption. Once the password is in your hand, you will be able to online for free.
How to Hack Wifi Password
Before you begin, it is vital to understand that Cydia is only works on jailbroken iOS devices. Thus, it is a must to jailbreak and download Cydia before you are able to use any of the wifi hacking apps below. None of the apps below will work if you are not jailbroken. If this is the first time you heard about Cydia, read What is Cydia. On the other hand, you can search for all the wifi hacking apps here if you already have Cydia installed in your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.
1. iWep PRO
iWep PRO is an app for the iOS users to check if their routers are exposed to any vulnerabilities. It is also an application to help you generate WEP key for your Wi-Fi router. In addition, this app allows you to scan the local wireless network and hack the password. On the user interface, select the Wifi network you want to hack and iWep Pro will generate the password. It usually takes less than 5 minutes depending on the encryption of the password as well as username.
2. iSpeedTouched
Perhaps iSpeedTouched is one of the best Cydia apps for finding WEP & WPA wifi passwords. This app has been downloaded more than a million times. It has also break through millions of wifi router across the world. With iSpeedTouched, you can gain the wifi password you want on any network within a few clicks. To install iSpeedTouched, go to Cydia App Store and search for it. Alternatively, you can also install it via AppCake, Kuaiyong or vShare.
3. WPA Tester
WPA Tester is another 5-minute wifi password hacking apps available in the Cydia App Store. This app is developed by Paolo Arduin. No jailbreak is required to use this app. To download this app from App Store, you will need to pay £1.49. However, it is free to download the cracked version from Cydia App Store if you have Cydia in your iOS device. The user interface is extremely easy to use so no further explanation is needed. So far, this is one of the best wifi password breaker for iPhone and iPad because it works without jailbreak.
Other Wifi password hacking Cydia apps: WifiAudit (no jailbreak) and WiFi Chùa. WiFi Chùa didn’t hack wifi password on iPhone but it will search for free Wifi passwords around you.
Are you having any problems to crack wifi password on iPhone and iPad with the methods above? If so please leave a message. The community here will response to you with more information on how to break wifi password for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.
Disclaimer: This article is purely for educational purpose. We do not encourage anyone to hack Wifi password and username. will not be responsible for any illegal activity this guide is used for.
August 5th, 2016 at 1:51 pm #
Pls I need help, I’m using iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 9.3.3, And am running Cydia 9.3.2 on my phone, How can I hack any wifi password, I’ve downloaded some apps to hack password, But is not working, The one I downloaded was not able to hack fresh wifi pass but can show the password of already used wifi on my phone, The iwep pro 8 is not working on my phone, Once I Downloaded it, Am not going to be able to open it crashed , Pls can some one help me,