AppShape iOS 9 Free Download


Other than vShare, Kuaiyong, AppCake and Installous alternatives, AppShape is one app that gives you the ability to download cracked apps directly from App Store. Yes, you didn’t read it wrong. You can download any apps or games directly from App Store by skipping the payment page. In other words, you can get your desired paid apps for free. Jailbreak is required in order to use AppShape iOS 9. Before you begin, you can jailbreak iOS 9-9.0.2 with Pangu within 10 minutes. Both Pangu and AppShapre iOS 9 are free therefore you don’t have to pay a single dime.


How to Install AppShape


For iOS 8 and iOS 9 users, you have an option to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with TaiG if you don’t prefer Pangu. Once you are jailbroken, follow the step by step guide here to install AppShape on iOS 9 as well as iOS 8. Both of the iOS versions work in the same way.


Step 1: Open Cydia and go to Manage -> Sources -> Edit -> Add.


Step 2: Now you need to add a working Cydia repo for AppShape, which is HackYouriPhone repo. This repo also hosts other popular apps such as LinkStore and AppSync. Enter when you are prompted “Enter Cydia/APT URL” message. Tap “Add Source” button to add HackYouriPhone repo right away.


Step 3: Often, AppShape is not working for many jailbreak users because they have skipped this step. AppShape will not work without AppSync. Thus, follow our guide closely. Go to HackYouriPhone repo to search for AppSync iOS 9 (if your device is running iOS 9) and install it. Install AppSync iOS 8.0+ if you are still using iOS 8 on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.


Step 4: Again, go to HackYouriPhone repo and search for AppShape. Once the result poped up, tap on AppShape to install it on your iOS 9 or iOS 8 devices. Reboot or restart your iOS device once the installation is completed.


AppShape itself doesn’t host any cracked apps, however, it leads you to where you should go. Go to App Store and browse for the paid apps or games you want. You will see an AppShape button beside. That button will provide you the link to download the cracked version of the app or game you want. That’s what AppShape does! Everything is free and you can forget about your credit card number.



AppShape Alternatives: LinkStore, Zeusmos, iFunBox, HipStore, Pandaapp, AppAddict, Apptrackr, IPA Search, IPAStore, IPA Installer Console and more.


Disclaimer: This page is purely for tutorial purposes. do not affiliate with any websites or apps mentioned in this page. We do not support piracy either. It is strongly recommended to buy the app or game you like after trying it. The purpose of cracked apps is to test it before buying it. That’s also why AppShape is recommended too.


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