Best Cydia Apps to Hide Icons
Apple products such as iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch come with a selection of built-in apps. A new iPhone or iPad will have some default icons on the home screen such as Maps, Camera, HD Video Recording, Siri, FaceTime, Email, Safari, and others. However, when a user starts to fill up their iDevices with more Cydia apps and games, the home screen will be packed with many icons. Some users like to keep all icons on the home screen but some hate to see them. Fortunately, there are some awesome ways to hide icons from the home screen. Awesome right? Here are a few ways to do it.
Hide Icons (SBSettings Tweak)
SBSettings is one of the five really cool Cydia Apps that have been mentioned before. It is not just an app that makes your device works faster but it also allow you to hide any icons you don’t want anyone to see it. SBSettings is one of the best free Cydia apps available from Cydia App Store. You can download it from Cydia for free. To use the hide icons function, go to “More” option under SBSettings and look for “Hide Icons”. At the Hide Icons page, you will see a list of apps. Choose any app you want to hide. It is either On or Off. “On” indicates the icon is visible while “Off” means the icon is invisible. Your apps will not be removed, they will still stay on your iDevice but you will not be able to see the icon on the home screen. Guess what? You can even hide Cydia icon with this tweak.
Hide Icons Screenshot from SBSettings
Poof is another Cydia app that allows you to hide and unhide icons on your springboard. It is one of the most useful apps among all others for people who want to make their home screen looks tidy. All you have to do is toggle to setting to either “On” or “Off”. “On” means the icon is visible in the home screen while “Off” means the icon will be invisible. This app is very simple to be used and it is 100% free. You should install it and give a try without any further doubts because you can uninstall it if you are unsatisfied with the performance.
Poof Screenshot
Alternative ways to hide icons
If you like to show many icons on your home screen but the space is not enough, you can download Shrink. Shrink is an app with the ability to shrink all icons on your home screen. Simple type in “Shrink” in your Cydia search box and you will get it within minutes. With Shrink, you are able shrink the icon to allow more space for more icons.
All the above mentioned-methods are really cool, simple, and straight forward. Please share your thoughts or any experiences with these apps at the comment box below. You may also voice out if you found any better ways to hide icons on the home screen.
Darren paul
October 23rd, 2015 at 6:09 am #
Are there any apps that hide apps that work with iOS 9.0.2 yet?
September 22nd, 2016 at 7:52 am #
Any ideas how to use the apps without jail-breaking? or did u have any apps similar to this one also without jail-breaking?