Here you can find the best Cydia tweaks for iOS 9, iOS 9.1, iOS 9.2, iOS 9.3, iOS 8.4, iOS 7.1.2 as well as other stable iOS versions. These Cydia tweaks are very useful for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch and most of them are available from Cydia App Store for free. Other than free Cydia apps, there are also some paid tweaks from Cydia App store. Those free tweaks are handy enough to iOS users so can you imagine how beneficial it is when it comes to paid Cydia apps? Let’s check out what they are and you can try them on your Apple devices right now.
VintageSwitcher is a simple Cydia tweak for jailbreak users who want to a classic iOS 6 app switcher in newer iOS versions such as iOS 9.3, iOS 9.0.2 or iOS 8.4. Users can swipe up on an icon to close the app or hold down on any icon to show the clear all apps screen. There are options to adjust the Animation Duration, Icon Size, Blur Screen and Show App Name. VintageSwitcher is a new Cydia app and it was just released few weeks ago. It can be obtained from BigBoss Cydia source for free.
App Admin
Speaking about practicality of a Cydia app, App Admin has to be mentioned here. App Admin is one of the best Cydia tweaks that allow you to downgrade any App Store apps right from your iPhone or iPad. No PC or Mac is required and it is a lot easier than the traditional method. In a nutshell, App Admin makes downgrading apps easier.
Have you ever wondered how many miles your fingers have scrolled on your iPhone’s screen? Treadmill is a very fun Cydia tweak. It might be a pointless app but it is very fun to know that somebody has actually scrolled more than 100 miles on their iPhone’s screen within a year. See also: 12 Newest Cydia Apps for iOS 9.
CerCube is perhaps one of the best Cydia tweaks for video lovers. It is the best all-in-one video download extension for the YouTube app. With CerCube, you can download videos, MTV, or anything that is available on YouTube to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch for free. The great thing is, CerCube is a free Cydia tweak and it is compatible with iOS 7, 8, and 9.
FailSafe is a security tweak that automatically enables Wi-Fi, Data and Location Services when someone has entered incorrect passcode for more than once. This tweak is very useful if you lose your iPhone and want to find it using Find My iPhone features. To download this app, you can add EvanPetousis repo to your Cydia and get it for free. Don’t miss this: Best Cydia Tweaks for iPhone iOS 9.
There are many people wondering how to delete a Cydia tweak. You can do this directly from the setting app with PrefDelete. With PrefDelete app, you can uninstall a Cydia app by tapping and holding the app icon then hit the delete button. PrefDelete is a free Cydia tweak and you don’t have to spend any money to install it. See How to Completely Remove Cydia if you no longer want to use Cydia.
Camrix is a new Cydia tweak that join the club of Camera apps. This app basically allows iOS users to take photos or record videos from anywhere at anytime they want. Unlike other camera tweaks in Cydia, Camrix allows you to preview a photo from homescreen as well as from any app. This means you can take a photo from anywhere.
These are some of the best Cydia tweaks for jailbreak users to be used in 2016 and perhaps 2017. Of course there are more cool Cydia tweaks available in the Cydia App Store. Please do not hesitate to use the comment feature below to share any cool Cydia tweaks that you know it is free.